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Agatha Kratz


Agatha Kratz is a Director at Rhodium Group, leading the firm's corporate advisory work.


She heads Rhodium’s China corporate advisory team, as well as Rhodium’s research on European Union-China relations and China’s economic statecraft. She also contributes to Rhodium work on China’s global investment, industrial policy, and technology aspirations.

Agatha holds a Ph.D. from King’s College London, on China’s railway diplomacy. Her previous positions include Associate Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and Editor-in-Chief of its quarterly journal China Analysis, Assistant Editor for Gavekal-Dragonomics’ China Economic Quarterly, and Junior Fellow at Asia Centre in Paris


Ain’t No Duty High Enough

EU duties on Chinese EV imports are unlikely to be high enough to slow market share gains for Chinese automakers, forcing Brussels to consider other tools to protect the continent’s car industry.


Overcapacity at the Gate

China's policy plans will compound the growing imbalance between domestic supply and demand, setting China on course for a trade confrontation with the rest of the world.