The ClimateDeck—a partnership of Rhodium Group and Breakthrough Energy—provides global and US 50-state greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory data and projections, energy market outlooks, and analysis of energy and climate policy developments.
Data and Tools
Trustworthy, integrative data is at the core of Rhodium’s research and services. Our team uses a suite of custom-built datasets and energy-economic models to analyze the effects of policy and market developments on energy systems and greenhouse gas emissions at the international, US, and state levels.
Below is a selection of our data platforms and modeling tools.
Data platforms
The Clean Investment Monitor, a joint project with MIT’s Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, tracks public and private investments in the full landscape of climate technologies in the United States.
The Climate Impact Lab combines climate science, econometrics, and big data analytics to advance understanding of the real-world social impacts and economic costs of climate change.
Models and tools
Rhodium’s Global Energy Model (RHG-GEM) provides a robust and systematic exploration of the main drivers of regional energy demand, technology deployment, and resulting greenhouse gas emissions through the end of the century.
RHG-NEMS is our flagship US economy-wide emissions model, which projects energy supply, demand, and emissions under physical, economic, and policy constraints. We use RHG-NEMS to provide policy-relevant analysis to accelerate US decarbonization.
Our modeling projects workforce opportunities resulting from the deployment of decarbonization technologies or policies. This analysis is used for decision-making by federal and state policymakers and for community engagement by project developers.
The Data-driven Spatial Climate Impact Model is a robust, empirically based model for estimating the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions for policymaking, developed as part of a multi-year effort by the Climate Impact Lab.