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Energy & Climate

Carbon Dioxide Removal Solutions



DATE: Thursday, November 12
TIME: 4:00 PM – 5:15 PM EST
RSVP: Register here.

This event, organized by the Center for Strategic & International Studies, will examine technological and nature-based solutions for atmospheric carbon removal and storage.

Roger Aines (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) will give an overview of carbon removal methods. Erin Burns (Carbon180) will discuss the technical and policy opportunities and challenges for direct air capture. Cathy Macdonald(The Nature Conservancy) will then discuss her organization’s approach to nature-based carbon solutions and the policy framework necessary for them.

The session will close with a panel discussion on how carbon removal solutions contribute to reaching net-zero global GHG emissions and the outlook for their deployment, moderated by John Larsen (Rhodium Group, CSIS Energy).