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China Town Hall: Sino-American Relations


Atlanta, GA

DATE: Tuesday, Oct. 9
TIME: 3 p.m. — 5 p.m. ET
LOCATION:  UPS World Headquarters 55 Glenlake Pkwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30328


The Council is proud to partner with The National Committee on U.S.-China Relations for the twelfth annual CHINA Town Hall. National Committee President Stephen Orlins will interview Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (2005-2009) on a nationally broadcast interactive webcast.  An in-person discussion will follow with Nicholas Consonery, Director of the Rhodium Group, and Joseph Bankoff, Chair of The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech, as we look at Sino-American relations and how they affect us in Atlanta and our business community.

Trade War in the Making: As a trade war unfolds between Washington and Beijing, where both countries seem to be testing each other’s limits, there is a lot of uncertainty on the future of Sino-American diplomatic and commercial relations. Keep in mind: China is no longer the underdog. With China’s rapid economic growth and greater global influence in important regions such as Latin America, is it better able to endure U.S. tariffs than in the past?

Come and join this conversation — don’t miss the chance to hang out at UPS Headquarters!

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