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Energy & Climate

Electricity in Transition


Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)

DATE: Thursday, May 8th, 2014
TIME: 1:00 to 3:30 p.m.
LOCATION:  2nd Floor Conference Center. 1616 Rhode Island Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036

This event will be on-the-record. Registration required to attend. Please send your confirmation by COB Wednesday, May 7th to [email protected].

Melanie Kenderdine, Director of the Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis and Energy Counselor to the Secretary, Department of Energy

followed by a panel discussion featuring:

Gregory Aliff, Vice Chairman and Senior Partner for Energy and Resources at Deloitte
John Larsen, Senior Analyst at the Rhodium Group
Christine Tezak, Managing Director at ClearView Energy Partners
Miles Keogh, Director of Grants and Research, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners

The CSIS Energy and National Security Program is pleased to host a new series on the changes underway on the U.S. electricity sector. Melanie Kenderdine will provide the introductory keynote speech on the Administration’s Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) and how it will tackle these challenges. Gregory Aliff, John Larsen, Christine Tezak, and Miles Keogh will then provide an overview of the sector’s challenges and competing priorities, from decarbonization to reliability to affordability. Sarah Ladislaw, Director of the CSIS Energy and National Security Program, and Charles Curtis, Senior Adviser at CSIS, will introduce speakers and moderate the discussion.

A convergence of factors is putting unprecedented stress on traditional actors in the electricity sector. These include accelerated technological change, shifting consumer preferences, business model disruption, new security challenges, a rapidly evolving fuel market, and a changing public policy landscape; this stress is especially acute within the context of slow to flattening demand growth over the long-term. More than ever, the electricity sector has become the focus of a set of public policy debates about the relationship between climate change, energy security, and economic growth.

To learn more about the new CSIS Energy and National Security project on electricity, please visit the project website.