Global China Summit
Daniel Rosen speaks at the Washington Post Live Global China Summit, with fellow speakers Henry Kissinger, David Miliband, Robert Rubin, David Rubenstein, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, and Orville Schell, amongst others.
On September 27, 2011, Washington Post Live hosted a Global China Summit at the new United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC. In partnership with Oxford Analytica, the British-based global advisory firm, this Washington Post Live summit brought together leading business, government and academic leaders from China and the United States. Experts looked at China’s capital and trade flows and its quest for energy, commodities, assets, and skills abroad.
Is the US ready for the next phase of Chinese engagement? What does China’s move to diversify out of Treasury bonds and into assets mean for the US and US businesses? With the aim of fostering a better understanding about China in the US, we also discussed the new and future China: What is it like to live and work in China these days? How does it vary in different regions of the country? We focused on youth– their outlook, lifestyle, growing wealth– and discussed the ongoing social change in this country of 1.3 billion and why it matters to the rest of the world.