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U.S.-China Investment: 2020 Report Launch


New York (Online)

TIME: Monday, May 11, 2020, 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EDT

PLATFORM: Zoom conference call (Sign up here:

A deteriorating bilateral relationship and growing regulatory scrutiny have changed the trajectory of capital flows between the United States and China over the past three years. The COVID-19 pandemic threatens to further disrupt two-way investment, as weak Chinese consumption and supply chain risks make U.S. companies re-think their China footprint, and Chinese investors face continued headwinds from domestic restrictions on outbound capital flows and U.S. regulators wary of opportunistic foreign buyers.

Join report authors Thilo Hanemann and Dan Rosen of Rhodium Group; Ker Gibbs, president, AmCham Shanghai; Rebecca Fannin, founder/editor, Silicon Dragon Ventures; and National Committee president Stephen Orlins for our annual Two-Way Street release event and virtual discussion of the latest two-way investment data and analysis.

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