A Cautious Reform Diagnosis
Writing for AmCham Shanghai, Director Nicholas Consonery details new analysis of China's commitment to economic reform
Every quarter Rhodium Group and the Asia Society Policy Institute produce the China Dashboard, a public research project meant to inform policy and business discussions about reform in China. The Dashboard assesses whether or not the Chinese government is implementing the set of economic reforms that it committed to in the Third Plenum of the 18th Communist Party Congress in November 2013. The project is an objective attempt to assess whether those reforms are succeeding, based not on rhetoric or commitments but on actual data.
The latest Winter 2019 edition finds that reforms are not driving decisive change in economic data in almost all major areas where the Chinese government has committed to progress. This is a continuation of what we observed in the previous Fall 2018 edition. In eight of the ten major reform clusters we track, Beijing is either making no observable progress or conditions are backsliding – meaning that data movement contradicts reform objectives.
Read the full piece by Director Nick Consonery at AmCham Shanghai.