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Energy & Climate

Climate Impact Map Released

The Climate Impact Lab, a consortium of climate scientists, economists and data engineers at Rhodium Group, University of California Berkeley, University of Chicago and Rutgers University released a new interactive global map of how climate change will impact temperatures around the world.

Based on a new analysis by the Climate Impact Lab, the map shows how 95-degree Fahrenheit days (35 degrees Celsius) are expected to multiply over the course of this century. It compares two scenarios: one in which the world’s nations take action to curb their greenhouse gas emissions roughly in line with commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement, and another in which no action is taken and emissions continue to rise at the same pace they did in the first decade of this century.

Historical temperature data is presented, along with three time periods: the next 20 years, mid-century and end of century. We average out the annual variations in weather across two-decade time spans to show how climate change will make extremely hot temperatures more frequent.

Explore the map

The New York Times produced their own visualization using some of the Impact Lab data. The story was featured in the New York Times year-end feature: “2017: The Year in Climate.”

See the New York Times interactive