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Rhodium Group’s China practice uses an integrative, multidisciplinary approach to produce unique insights into China’s economy. We leverage our proprietary datasets and decades of experience to produce incisive analysis of China’s investment flows, market and policy directions, and economic and business cycles.

Find a selection of our research below. For more information about our research services, please contact us.



Showing 181 – 190 of 215 total results


Chinese FDI in the US in 2012

2012 was a record year for Chinese investment in the United States, reflecting both the growing determination of Chinese firms to expand overseas and the attractiveness of U.S. markets and assets to these investors.


Chinese Direct Investment in California

This new report analyzes Chinese investment in California in depth to help inform the policy debate on how to maximize the state's benefits from this new trend.


China Invests in Europe

Europe is experiencing the start of a structural surge in outbound direct investment in advanced economies by Chinese firms.