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Rhodium Group’s Energy & Climate practice uses a multidisciplinary, data-driven approach to produce unique, independent insights into global energy dynamics, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change.

We help public and private decision-makers understand what kind of climate future we are on track for, and what matters most for reducing greenhouse gas emissionsat the local, state, national, and international levels. By combining policy expertise with a suite of detailed energy-economic models, our research provides data-driven insights into the impacts of energy and climate change policy and real-world developments on greenhouse gas emissions, energy markets, economic output, and clean technology pathways. 

Featured research


EPA’s New Standards for Power Plants

EPA recently finalized new standards for regulating greenhouse gases from power plants. We analyze what the new rules mean for electric power GHG and conventional pollutant emissions into the next decade.

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Showing 51 – 60 of 195 total results


Comparing a Clean Electricity Standard and a Carbon Tax

US congressional proposals have focused on two potential policy routes—an economy-wide price on carbon dioxide and a sector-by-sector approach that starts with a clean electricity standard—this report models outcomes for these scenarios.


Clean Hydrogen: A Versatile Tool for Decarbonization

As Congress considers policy support for hydrogen technologies, it is essential to understand the distinction between how we use hydrogen today and the role of hydrogen in a decarbonized US economy.


A Climate-friendly Gas Tax Swap?

With the long term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund still in doubt, this note explores the impact of replacing the current federal gasoline tax with an economy-wide tax on carbon dioxide emissions.